2 Months Campaign
Daily Postings (excluding Sundays)
Facebook and Instagram Platforms
Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
Social Media Marketing Strategy
Network Setup & Optimization (SMM Backlink)
Social Media Brand Reputation Analysis
Branded Banner Posting Designs
Create high quality images, branded with your logo or website URL.
Hashtag Backlink Algorithm research.
Content Creation
Schedule Posts
Follower Engagement
Insights Reporting
$ 1299 (regular price)
Order Now Get a $300 OFF!
$ 999 (discounted price)
3 Months Campaign
Daily Postings (excluding sundays)
Facebook and Instagram Platforms
Dedicated Social Media Account Manager
Social Media Marketing Strategy
Network Setup & Optimization (SMM Backlink)
Social Media Brand Reputation Analysis
Branded Banner Posting Designs
Create high quality images, branded with your logo or website URL.
Hashtag Backlink Algorithm research.
Content Creation
Schedule Posts
2 Boosted Posts
Follower Engagement
Insights Reporting
$ 1599 (regular price)
Order Now Get a $300 OFF!
$ 1299 (discounted price)